Tuesday 4 June 2024



Value is More Than a Big Bank Account


Success can be lonely.

Just read the biography of any business baron who died rich and friendless.


Indeed, there is a difference between achieving success in a selfish effort to serve oneself, and achieving success while dedicated to the service of others.


True success and value come when we take our eyes off ourselves and focus on the benefit of others.


Think about the people you know who enrich the lives of those around them. Maybe you’re one of them. More times than not, they are looking outward, considering how they can meet the needs of others and make an impact on their world. How can I help? How can I improve things for others? How can I change the world for the better?


Zig Ziglar said it best when he said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.


When you are a value-driven person, you seek to leave the world a little bit better than when you found it. It’s not about selflessness or martyrdom, it’s about impact. It’s not just money that creates true wealth; it’s value.


So strive to serve as you achieve, and you will truly be rich.

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